Zora’s Someday Over the Rainbow Join Zora, the endearing Shih Tzu with a nose for adventure, in her latest heartwarming journey! In “Zora’s Someday Over the Rainbow,” Zora embarks on a quest to understand the true meaning of a dog’s life. This...

Zora’s Letters Meet Zora, the delightful Shih Tzu with a heart as big as her personality! In “Zora’s Letters,” children are invited to explore the world through Zora’s eyes, sharing in her whimsical exchanges of letters and emails with her...

Zora’s Travels Embark on an unforgettable journey with Zora, the lovable Shih Tzu, in “Zora’s Travels” Along the way, Zora meets a host of amazing friends—both human and animal—who teach her valuable lessons about friendship, bravery, and the joy of...
Zora and I would like to express our appreciation to Barnes & Noble,  Clarence, and most especially Dave, Jenna, Dan, and your staff who were instrumental in setting up the booksigning event. A special thank you to my daughter Julianne, who was Zora’s handler for the day, or was it the other way around.  A very special thank you to my family, friends, and new followers I was  privileged to meet.  A shout out to my young friend Joon, who had his parents bring him, yet again, to meet Zora.  My sincere and heartfelt thank you to all.

Zora and I would like to express our appreciation to Barnes & Noble, Clarence, and most especially Dave, Jenna, Dan, and your staff who were instrumental in setting up the booksigning event. A special thank you to my daughter Julianne, who was Zora’s handler for the day, or was it the other way around. A very special thank you to my family, friends, and new followers I was privileged to meet. A shout out to my young friend Joon, who had his parents bring him, yet again, to meet Zora. My sincere and heartfelt thank you to all.